Ham Radio
91 ContainersFiles in Ham Radio
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Browning Golden Eagle series 1
Submitted by gadget73 on 2011 10 20 and has been downloaded 12 times
Owner's manual for the Browning Golden Eagle, series one. This is also known as the R68/T68 radio. This one has a lamp for the spot function.

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Browning Golden Eagle series 2
Submitted by gadget73 on 2011 10 20 and has been downloaded 10 times
Owner's manual for the Browning Golden Eagle series 2. This is also called the R68/T68. This model has the "on air" light.

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Galaxy 2000+ Linear Manual
Submitted by Rod888 on 2010 04 10 and has been downloaded 14 times
Service Manual with schematics for Rf deck and power supply for the Galaxy Model 2000+ Hf Amplifier

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Kantronics 8040-B .pdf
Submitted by ki4es on 2010 07 21 and has been downloaded 14 times
Manual for the Kantronics 8040B Novice receiver. Some pages recreated due to poor quality of originals. Layout maintained.

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KW2000b operators manual
Submitted by ve3dvy on 2009 10 13 and has been downloaded 14 times
Operators manual for KW electronics LTD KW2000b tranciever

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Zenith Transoceanic Sams Photofacts.pdf
Submitted by Teknite on 2015 04 06 and has been downloaded 35 times
This file contains Sams Photofact information for Zenith Transoceanics. Nothing new here just a different form. Jerry W2JI

on 1 votes