What is this, Who am I etc?
You probably have a lot of questions
I will try to answer some of them, but not all.
First of all: Who am I?
Well, as you probably already have guessed, My name is Tomas Larsson and I am living in Sweden. I do refrigeration for living, If you understand Swedish, please visit my company web-site www.tlec.se.
I have a genuine interest for eveything that is mechanical and electronic. When I was young HAM-Radio and electronics were my main interests, but the HAM thing has faded away.
Nowdays my core interests is, not neccesserely in the correct order: Sailing, Citroen Cars, Electronics and Audio.
Second, What about this site?
Well it all started some five-six years ago, when I bought my Citroen XM V6 Break, it was equpped with some faults, that I couldn't solve, Now being me, I HATE to leave the car to a garage, when I can do it my self.
I managed to get hold of the Citroen official workshop manual, scanned it, and sorted out the faults with my car, at the same time I realised that other people might have a use for it as well, so I set up a small RedHat9 server in my home, and began to publish the manual.
Next step came when my Nakamiche cassette-deck died, even worse of a problem, finding any-one that could repair a +20 years old cassette-deck in Sweden was not possible, searching around I found www.naks.com with theis mail-list "naktalk", and a kind "Nakker" send me the manuals I needed, and my Nak-deck was repaired.
I launched whe web-site www.naks.mine.nu and started to collect service and users manuals for vintage Nakamichi products.
Why this site, well, my TEK 465B started to mis-behave, and the story repeats itself again.
I have been thinking of merging my two sites, the NAK-site and the Citroen-site together, basically because it is easier to manage, plus the fact that my Citroen-site is in pure html, and virtually impossible to maintain, with the spare-time I have.
When BAMA decided to scale back, I decided now is the time, and here we are.