Heathkit SA-2060-A Tuner

Submitted By: Ken (k5jxl)
Submitted On: 2009 07 25
File Size: 23,350.98 Kb
Downloads: 30
File Author: k5jxl

.pdf file of Heathkit SA-2060-A Tuner

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Comments: 5
avatar k7jeb
k7jeb 11 years ago
Appreciate your making this fine copy available.
avatar t2rogered
t2rogered 15 years ago
Roger Decker 10/1/2009--Very good copy- Thank you
avatar rwsw77
rwsw77 15 years ago
Been looking for this to restore a classic-thanks!!
avatar Patrick
Patrick 15 years ago
Great manual..... thanks
avatar k4icl
k4icl 15 years ago
Excellent Copy!