Various Equipment
0 ContainersFiles in Various Equipment
Paco C25
A better copy than what is floating around.

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Simpson 330
Simpson 330 Tube Tester Manual and Tube Data, schematic with transformer tap voltages.

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Simpson 330 Calibratioin
Simpson 330 Tube Tester Calibration

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Micronta 22-195 multimeter manual
Due to the available manuals being produced from pretty badly scanned images, I decided to redo it page by page including clear graphics. Ok, the f...

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Mullard Simple Oscilloscope 1958
This is an article from Mullard Technical Communications August 1958 for a simple 3' diy service oscilloscope. Despite its simplicity, it has a ban...

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Knight KG-688 Sine Square Wave Generator
PDF Files (Zipped) of Operation Manual, Construction Manual, Schematic and Parts List.

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Hitachi V202F/V203F Operation Manual
User's manual for the Hitachi V202F/V203F 20MHz oscilloscopes

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Global Specialties Corp LM-1 DP-1
These are the manuals that came with a test kit I purchased recently. The kit dates from the 1980's and was obviously at the low end of the market....

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